Thursday, April 14, 2011

Colored playdough

Kitten had enough of white playdough, so I thought I would make something new for her. It was so easy to make colored playdough. So far we have only played with red (for our red week, which is now finished and I will post about it next week) and Kitten has been very enthusiastic about it. The other two colors are waiting their turn in zip-locked bags in the refrigerator, it is so convenient that playdough stays fresh for a long time.
Follow the basic playdough recipe and when it is cooked, split it in 3 or 4 parts. Add a different food coloring to each part and knead, adding more coloring as needed, until you reach your desired color strength.
I used 3 colors and it took about 40 drops to make these.
Your hands will get stained in the process but once all liquid is incorporated, it will not stain child's hands.

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